Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Fripperies and folderol

If you're new here, we welcome you! If you're returning, we're even more flattered--we hope you enjoy these readings, if just for the quality of the writing alone.

Our apologies for all the problems with feed addresses and the like; this podcasting business is a bit complicated at first! Thanks if you had to trudge all the way over here from another site to get the content; we hope now the feed-readers are happy with us and there will be no further problems, as long as we remember how to do things correctly.

Thanks, too, to those directories which have added this site and for the support and help of people in the podcasting community. We're not here to be a raving success, but it's nice to have even a couple occasional listeners! We really do this only for our love of short stories.

All the mp3's have now been converted to smaller file sizes without losing too much audio quality, we believe. We could go even smaller--and may have to eventually for lack of space--but when you're listening closely through headphones it's nice not to hear those irritating lisped sibilants.

If you are listening and you'd like to make any comments at all--positive or negative--please do so. Of course, we know that takes time, so we don't expect it of anyone. Still... it would be nice to know if anyone at all is really listening. (But if you decline to comment, that's perfectly OK, too. We mean for this to be a low-impact website, not exactly a writing forum.)

As we've reported before, friends have promised to sit in our soundproof booth (actually just a microphone attached to this computer) to read for us and bring more variety to these offerings. Check these pages again soon!

--Scoot & Jones the Website Mascot

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