Friday, May 26, 2006

"Love" by William Maxwell

Read by Scoot. Time 7:24. Details to come...

1 comment:

Sigo Paolini said...

He grew from a small-town kid to become one of the most powerful magazine editors in history and, eventually, a novelist and short-story writer. That's the legacy of William Maxwell.

Born in Lincoln, Ill., in 1908, Maxwell grew up in the small town just a stone's throw north of the state capital at Springfield. His father was a fire insurance salesman who traveled for days at a time.

Since his father was gone so much, Maxwell grew extraordinarily close to his mother. He said, "She just shone on me like the sun."

When Maxwell was ten years old, his mother became suddenly ill during the 1918 influenza epidemic and died. He wrote, "It happened too suddenly, with no warning, and we none of us could believe it or bear it... the beautiful, imaginative, protected world of my childhood swept away."

===thanks for the story. Very poignant and lovely.