Monday, April 11, 2005

Happy Birthday to Us!

It seems incredible, but this little Internet exercise has survived one whole month in the harrowing, cutthroat world of podcasting. (Actually, everyone's been extremely polite and helpful.) With no more advertising than being listed in a few podcast directories, word seems to be spreading, and we appear to have regular readers all across the globe--which causes us to be more than a little astonished and extremely grateful. (Our greatest fear, however, is that some non-native English speakers will now be using our unwise pronunciation of certain words.)

To celebrate this first month, we're going to do at last what we should have done some time ago: cut back on the number of our podcasts. Obviously, you can't all keep up with one whole story a day, no matter how much you might want to--and even though we enjoy recording nearly every day, we should probably slow things down a bit. So, we're going to post just once every other day for an indefinite time and see how the "masses" like that. Do you?

You might also notice that we've been including some newer works recently--even some living authors! Now, we don't want to get into any you-know-what kind of trouble, so we want to reiterate that we believe we are protected by "fair use" policies and whatever we read serves to act only as advertisement for the real thing: buying (or at least borrowing) the flesh-and-blood books themselves. Besides all that, this is definitely a not-for-profit enterprise: we only lose money and time by offering you this website. However, if you have any objections to any of our offerings, we will certainly at least consider removing it. (We're not talking about content, which we'll always stand by--but about c*pyr*ght. Please keep those lawyers at bay.)

So, thank you, all our disparate readers and visitors to this site! And thank you, gracious and generous guest readers--you are the true talents here and make this endeavor worth the effort. (Besides, it's been fun.) And if anyone ever wants to leave a comment or drop us a line telling us just how you feel, don't be shy! We do it all for you... and our own egomanical desire to read aloud and actually be heard by someone.

1 comment:

Jane said...

I found your site by doing a search on "A Perfect Day for Bananafish." Thank you so much for posting your podcasts. It is so nice to hear a story read outloud. Have you thought of reading any of the many short stories by Joyce Carol Oates?

Thanks, again!
